Master of Science in Natural Resources Management
(By Research in Agriculture/Animal Science/Forestry)
This Master of Science in Natural Resources Management (NRM) programme by research with specialization in Agriculture, Animal Science, and Forestry is designed to contribute to the socio-economic development of the nation by increasing the critical mass of qualified citizens and building knowledge based society. The programme is intended to enhance the knowledge and skills of the mid-level professionals with specialist knowledge and competencies in a range of subject areas pertaining to rural development in general and agriculture, animal production and forestry in particular. The programme provides opportunities for student to develop research capacity through the process of conducting research independently and develop research skills and critical thinking. Student can focus on a wide range of research topics under agriculture, domains like agronomy, horticulture, organic farming, crop pest and disease management, farm economics, soil fertility management, good agriculture practices, agroecology, food security, climate change impacts on agriculture, commodity chain analysis, gender and farming, agriculture co-operatives, rural urban migration, agriculture extension, rural development, genetics and plant breeding, seed science and technology, postharvest technology, food science and technology, sustainable agriculture and land use types, etc. Under animal science and animal health, areas and research topics such as animal nutrition, dairy, piggery, poultry, feed and fodder, meat science, farm fisheries, animal biology, and fertility will be focussed. Likewise, student can do research in  a range of forestry related topics but not limited to, such as forest management, conservation science, wildlife, climate change studies, social forestry, ecology, freshwater ecology, dendrology, dendrochronology and environmental management.
The programme primarily focuses on applied research and problem solving skill development among students, and encourages students to work in collaboration with interested collaborators outside the college. The graduates are expected to conduct problem solving research independently that contributes to overall socio-economic development of the nation.
The Curriculum Structure
The Master of Science in NRM is a research based programme. The programme consists of 240 credits spread over 4 semesters. Student will complete 3 compulsory modules totaling to 45 credits in addition to writing and defending a research proposal of 15 credits, which will be taken in 3 blocks of 3-4 weeks residential period each during the first semester. Student will invest at least 4 weeks of time for developing research proposal. Confirmation Panel, represented by the CRC, evaluates the research proposal defense and confirms the candidature. Thereafter, student will progress towards completion of the MSc degree through independent research and production of a dissertation of about 20,000 words of 150 credits on an area within the discipline of Agriculture, Animal Science, and Forestry. Every semester end, student will present a seminar which will be evaluated.
Student is required to publish two papers in peer reviewed journals; one at least in an international/regional and one in a national journal. However, one of these papers could be a seminar/conference proceeding based on presentation in an international/regional/national seminar/conference. At least one of these two papers should have been accepted for publication at the time of defending their dissertation and the other should have been submitted.
Module Code
Year 1
Applied Statistics
Research Methods
Natural Resources Management
Research Proposal
Seminar I
Year 2
Dissertation/Seminar II
Note: For further details and fee structure contact Dean of Research and Industrial Linkages at + 975 2 376249 or send email enquiry.