Organic Agriculture

Bachelor of Science in Organic Agriculture

The BSc in Organic Agriculture aims to develop human resource in safe food, fibre and animal production in line with principles of organic farming. The programme takes an integrated approach to the design and operation of crop and livestock production systems that are socially responsible, environmentally sound and economically sustainable. The programme comprises of modules in alternative agriculture practices with an in-depth analysis of organic production systems, soils and nutrient management, plant and animal health management and farm input and resources management along with a substantial research component.


The main objective of the programme is to produce graduates equipped with knowledge and skills required to address the challenges and requirements of organic farming and to align with the mission and vision of the government to be a 100% organic nation.

Curriculum Structure

The BSc in Organic Agriculture programme consists of 480 credits with 35 modules including field attachment and a research project equivalent to 5 modules in the final semester. The mode of study is full time forfour years.

Year Semester Module code and Title Credit Hours
I I ACS101 Academic Skills 12
DZG101 DzongkhaCommunication 12
OAG102 Principlesof Sustainable Agriculture 12
EXT101 Communication and Extension 12
SSC103 FundamentalsofSoilScience 12
II OAG101 History &PrinciplesofOrganic Agriculture 12
BIC301 Biochemistry 12
  SSC104 Plant Nutrition and Development 12
  WMT101 Crop Water Management 12
  HOR103 Fundamentals of Organic Agriculture 12
II I CPY201 PlantPhysiology 12
HOR206 OrganicHorticulture Production 12
PLP201 Plant Disease &Management 12
PLP202 Pest Ecology &Management 12
PLP203 WeedManagement in Organic Agriculture 12
II ATT201 Field attachment 12
SSC201 Soil & Plant Diagnostics 12
OLF201 Principles of Organic Livestock Farming 12
AGR204 Organic Field Crop Production 12
SSC201 Organic Fertilizers and Pesticides 12
III I OLF302 Organic Livestock Production 12
HOR205 MedicinalHerbs&Spices 12
BRS201 Organic PlantBreeding& SeedProduction 12
AGR301 FarmEquipment 12
ECN201 FarmEconomics &Marketing 12
  II STS301 Statistics 12
RES301 Research Methods 12
OFP301Organic Foods& Product 12
EDP101 EntrepreneurshipDevelopment 12
GIS201 Geographic Information System &Remote Sensing 12
IV I OAG404 Agro-ecology &Food Systems 12
OAG405Planning&DesigningOrganicFarms 12
HOR203 Organic PostProductionManagement


OAG406 OrganicRegulations,Standards & Certification 12
MGT201 OrganizationalManagement & Leadership 12
  II RES402ResearchProject 60