The Council for Education, Transformation, and Advocacy (CETA) is an apex administrative organization of students in the College. The college President is the advisor. CETA organizes all the important events and student-related activities of the college under the guidance of the management including Morning Assembly, Important National/International Events/Days, Seminar, Debates, Extempore, Residence Life Award, Student Conferences, Life-long Transformation Activities, and Advocacies.
All the students are registered members of CETA. Overall, the function and coordination of activities under the Student Centers, Clubs, Residences, and Class will operate under the purview of CETA.
The College has three Campuses: Dekidling Campus (Residences Block 1, 2, and 3), Gawaling Campus (Residences Block 4 and 5), and Choekobling Campus (Lower Hostel). Each Block has a Residence Councilor (RC) under which there are Health, Tools, and Mess Custodians (wherever relevant) reporting directly to the respective RCs.
The College has Female and Male Games Coordinators each with Custodians each on three Campuses to facilitate quick and timely delivery of resources and services to the campus.
The Student Executive Board will be the forum for the CETA for all the important meetings pertaining to the student-related administration and functions. The following individuals shall constitute the Student Executive Board:
- Chief Councilor : Chair
- Deputy Chief Councilor : Member
- Secretary(Any male/female) : Member Secretary
- Treasurer : Member
- Residence Councilor(1 male & 1 Female) : Member
- Club Coordinator(Any 2 clubs) : Member
- Class Representative(1 male & 1 female) : Member
- Games & Sports Coordinator : Member