Dorji, N. Derks, M., Koerkamp, P. W.G.G. and Bokkers, E.A. M. (2020). The Future of Yak Farming from the Perspective of Yak Herders and Livestock Professionals. Sustainability, 12, 4217; http://doi:10.3390/su12104217.
Thinley, U., Banterng, P., Katawatin, R. and Gonkhamdee, S. (2020). Spatial Surveillance of Invasion by Alien Species in a Heterogeneous Ecological Landscape. International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research 11 (2), 1-17.
Choidup, K. and Dendup, T. (2020). Avoidance Factors in Seeking Counselling Help by High School Students in Bhutan. Journal of Community Development Research (Humanities and Social Sciences), 13(1): 46-54.
Tenzin, J., Boonkum, W., and Chankitisakul, V. (2020). Potential genetic markers and their association with production traits in Thai Pradu Hang Dam and Chee native chickens. KhonKaen Agriculture Journal, 48(1), 211 – 220.
Tenzin, J., Chankitisakul, V., and Boonkum, W. (2020). Association of polymorphisms of physiological candidate genes with phenotype and estimated breeding values of reproductive and growth traits in Thai indigenous chickens. Genetics and Molecular Research, 19(1).
Tshering, S., Gurung, D.B., Sherub, K., Dookia, S., Dorji, K. and Choephyel, P. (2020). Bat (Mammalia: Chiroptera) diversity, dominance, and richness in the southwestern region of Bhutan with three new records for the country. Journal of Threatened Taxa, 12(1): 15114–15128.
Dorji, U., Tenzin, U. M., Dorji, P., Wangchuk, ,Tshering, G., Dorji, C. and Shon, H. (2019).Wastewater management in urban Bhutan: Assessing the current practices and challenges. Process Safety and Environmental Protection 132, 82-93.
Thinley, U., Bantering, P., Gonkhamdee, S. and Katawatin, R. (2019). Distributions of Alien Invasive Weeds under Climate Change Scenarios in Mountainous Bhutan. Agronomy 9 (8), 442.https://DOI:10.3390/agronomy9080442.
Gurung, D.B., Gyeltshen, N., Tobgay, K., Dalström, S., Wangdi, J., Ghalley, B.B., Chaida, L., Phuntsho, Gyeltshen, N., Dawa, K., Wangchuk, T., Pradhan, R., Hoijer, T., and Gyeltshen, C. (2019). Distribution and habitats of PaphiopedilumPfitzer (Orchidaceae) known to occur in Bhutan. Journal of Threatened Taxa, 11(9): 14101–14111.
Gensits, B. and Chhetri, R. (2019). Determinants of Risk-Dependent Agricultural Field Behaviours in Bhutan. International Journal of Agricultural Economics 4 (3), 109.
Yangchen, T., Tenzin, T. Tenzin, S. Lhamo, K., Gurung, R.B., Dukpa K. and Gyeltshen, T. (2019), Comparison of anitbody responses after vaccination with two inactivated rabies vaccines in dogs in Thimphu, Bhutan. Bhutan Journal of Animal Science, 3(1): 77-83.file:///D:/downloaded%20documents/Bhutan-Journal-of-Animal-Science-Vol-3.pdf
Dorji, T., Linke, S., & Sheldon, F. (2019). Half century of protected area dynamism in the country of Gross National Happiness, Bhutan. Conservation Science and Practice, 2019;1:e46.
Wangmo, S. and Rai, S. (2019).Study of Ichthyofaunal diversity along Jomori River, Jomotsangkha Wildlife Sanctuary, SamdrupJongkhar, Bhutan. Nebio-An International Journal of Environment and Biodiversity. 10(4); 194-200.
Zangmo, N. and Rai, S. (2019).Comparative study of Butterfly Diversity in different types of habitat in Phuentsholing, Chhukha, Bhutan. Nebio-An International Journal of Environment and Biodiversity. 10(3); 143-151.
Sherub, K. and Tshering, S. (2019). Rapid assessment of two sympatric hornbill species populations and their nesting behaviour in Zhemgang district, Bhutan. BirdingASIA. 31:54-58 (Project report).
Tshering, S. (2019). Importance Value Index and Assessment of Carbon Stocks in Western Bhutan Himalaya (Thimphu). 18-21; 31(1).
Wangmo, S. and Boonthai, C. (2019). People’s perception on ecosystem services in organic agroecosystem at Gasa, Bhutan. KhonKaen Agriculture Journal. 47 (6) : 1287-1300.
Tshering, L. and Wangmo, C. (2019). Assessment of Human Bear conflict in Phrumsengla National Park, Bhutan. NeBio 10(3), 126-133.
Gensits, B. C., Chhetri, R. and Tsotsho (2019). Agricultural Diversification and Rural Incomes in the Presence of Climate Change in Central-Western Bhutan. BJNRD, 6(1): 1-11.
Tenzin, K. and Katel, O. (2019). Diversity and Abundance of Bees and Wasps (Hymenoptera: Aculeata) in North Central Bhutan. BJNRD 6(1): 12-18.
Yongdrup, P. Shrub, K., Tshering, U. Choida, L. and Cheten. (2019). Abundance and Distribution of Asiatic Golden Cat (CatopummateminckiiVigors and Horsfield) and Clouded Leopard (NeofelisnebulosaGrifith) in Jomotsangkha Wildlife Sanctuary, Bhutan. BJNRD (2019), 6(1): 19-26.
Penjor and Chhetri, S. (2019). Native Chickens beyond Meat and Eggs. BJNRD 6(1): 27-33.
Yongdrup, P., Sherub, K., Tshering, U., Chaida, L., andChaten (2019). Abundance and Distribution of Asiatic Golden Cat (Catopumma teminckii Vigors and Horsfield) and Clouded Leopard (NeofelisnebulosaGrifith) in Jomotshangkha Wildlife Sanctuary. BJNRD, 6(1): 19-26. DOI:
Sherub, K. andWangdi, L. (2019). Sighting of lowland birds at higher altitudes in the Gasa district, Bhutan. BirdingAsia, 32: 127-128.
Dorjee, S. and Rai, S. (2018). The population structure, habitat preference & conservation threats of Ringshu bamboo (Neomicrocalamusandropogonifolius) at Remung under Samdrupjongkhar. NeBIO An international journal of environment and biodiversity 9(3), 236-244.
Wangmo, S. and Boonthai, C. (2018). Performance of Organic Agriculture based on Emergent Properties of Agriculture System in Gasa, Bhutan. KHON KAEN AGR. J. 46 SUPPL. 1.
Wangmo, S. and Boonthai, C. (2018). Contribution of Organic Agriculture to Gross NationalHappiness (GNH): Bhutan. International Journal of Environmental and Rural Development. 9-2: 64-69.
Jamtsho, Y. and Katel, O. (2018). Livestock depredation by snow leopardand Tibetan wolf: Implications for herders’livelihoods in Wangchuck Centennial National Park, Bhutan. Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice 9, 1-10.
Thoni, R.J., and Gurung, D.B. (2018). Morphological and molecular study of the torrent catfishes (Sisoridae: Glyptosterninae) of Bhutan including the description of five new species. Zootaxa, 4476 (1): 040–068.
Rai, R., Sharma, S., Gurung, D.B., Sitaula, B.K. (2018). Heavy metal contamination in sediments from vehicle washing: a case study of OlarongChhu Stream and PaaChhu River, Bhutan. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 1-19.
Suberi, B., Tiwari, K.R., Gurung, D.B. Bajracharya, R.M., and Sitaula, B.K. (2018). Effect of Harvesting and Non-Harvested Forest Management on Carbon Stocks. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change, 8(3): 152-164.
Rai, R., Sharma, S., Gurung, D.B., Sitaula, B.K., and Raut, N. (2018). Assessment of environmental impacts of vehicle wash centres at Olakha, Thimphu Bhutan. International Research Journal of Environmental Sciences, 7(1), 1-10.
Suberi, B., Tiwari, K.R., Gurung, D.B. Bajracharya, R.M., and Sitaula, B.K. (2018). People’s perception of climate change impacts and their adaptation practices in Khotokha valley, Wangdue, Bhutan. Indian journal of traditional knowledge, 17(1):97-105.
Dendup, T. (2018). Agricultural transformation in Bhutan: From peasants to entrepreneurial farmers. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology, 23(3): 1-8.
Dendup, T., Dorj, P., Gyeltshen, T., and Penjor, L. (2018). Relationship between Entrepreneurial Factors and Small Agro-enterprises’ Success: Evidence from Bhutan. Journal of Economics, Management and Trade, 21(4): 1-9.
Dendup, T., Prasad, B., Acharja, I. L., and Zangpo, S. (2018). Review on the Role of Agriculture Cooperatives in Optimising Gross National Happiness. Journal of Economics, Management and Trade, 21(9): 1-8.
Zangmo,P., Gurung, D. B., Letro., and Wangmo, S. (2018). Distribution, Abundance and Occupancy of Gaur (Bosgaurus Smith) in the Royal Manas National Park, Bhutan. BJNRD (2018), 5(1): 1-12.
Lhundup, K. and Dorji, U. (2018). Macro-invertebrate Diversity and its Relationship with Environmental Variables in Adha Lake between Monsoon and Post-monsoon Seasons. BJNRD (2018), 5(1): 13-24.
Nima, C. and Gurung, T. (2018). Design, Management and Efficiency of Community Based Electric Fencing in Mitigating Human-wildlife Conflict. BJNRD (2018), 5(1): 25-36.
Dendup, T., Gyeltshen, T., Penjor, L., andDorji, P. (2017). The Factors Affecting Success of Small Agro-Enterprises in Bhutan. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology, 21(1), 1-11.
Dendup, T. andAcharja, I. L. (2017). Effect of individual factor on entrepreneurship intention among undergraduate students in Bhutan. World Journal of Business and Management, 3(2): 1-12.
Dahal, Y. (2017). A Review on Management of Freshwater Resources. Bhutan Journal of Research and Development. Vol 6. No.2, pp. 89-104.
Tshering, P. and Katel, O. (2017). Youth Perception of Agriculture and potential for employment in the context of rural development in Bhutan. Development, Environment and Foresight 3 (2), 92-106.
Speer, J.H., Bräuning,A.Gurung, D.B., Khandu, Y. et al. (2017). Pinusroxburghii stand dynamics at a heavily impacted site in Nepal: Research through an educational fieldweek, Dendrochronologia, 41, 2-9.
Tshering, S., Chhetri, R. and Dorji, K. (2017). Changes in land use pattern due to hazelnut project in NgatsangGewog, Mongar, Bhutan. International Journal of Information Movement 2 (7), 217-225.
Kobayashi, M. Chhetri, R. Fukumachi, K. and Shibata, S. (2017). Transitions in Seed Sovereignty in Western Bhutan. Journal of Environmental Information Science 45, 21-30.
Dukpa, D., Katel, O. and Khandu, Y. (2017). Wood Anatomical Structure of Rhododendron arboreum Sm. in a Drought Manipulated Experiment under two Forest Types in Western Bhutan Himalayas.BJNRD (2017), 4(1): 1-11.
Namgay and Thinley, U. (2017). Habitat Use and Conservation Threats of Satyr Tragopan in JigmeDorji National Park. BJNRD (2017), 4(1): 22-29
Choeda and Yangchen, U. (2017). Wild Vegetable Diversity and their Contribution to Household Income at PatshalingGewog, Tsirang. BJNRD (2017), 4(1): 30-38.
Dorji, T. and Gurung, DB. (2017). Grassland Communities, Graminoid Composition, and their Diversity Pattern on the Eastern Mountain Slope of Dochula, Bhutan. BJNRD (2018), 4(2): 10-28.
Wangmo, S. and Dorji, P. (2017). Effect of Feeding Dolichousnealongissima (Ach.) Articus as Supplement during Winter on Milk Yield and its Composition in Yaks. BJNRD (2017), 4(2): 39-45.
Dorji, u., Olesen, J. E. and Seidenkrantz, M. S. (2016). Water balance in the complex mountainous terrain of Bhutan and linkages to land use. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 7, 55-68.
Dorji, u., Olesen, J. E. Bøcher, P. K. and Seidenkrantz, M. S. (2016). Spatial variation of temperature and precipitation in Bhutan and links to vegetation and land cover. Mountain Research and Development 36 (1), 66-79.
Dorji, U., Olesen, J. E. and Seidenkantz, M. S. (2016). Testing the reconstruction of past climate conditions of Bhutan using stable carbon isotope and ring width from Chir and Fir trees. Dendrochronologia.
Rai, R., Sharma, S., Gurung, D.B., and Sitaula, B.K. (2016). Potential impacts of discharging vehicle wash wastewater in rivers: a case study of Thimphu and Paro, Bhutan – a review. Bhutan Journal of Research and Development, 5(2), 36-53.
Thoni, R., Gurung D.B. and Mayden, R. (2016). A review of the genus Garra Hamilton 1822 of Bhutan, including the descriptions of two new species and three additional records (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae). Zootaxa, 4169 (1): 115-132.
Koirala, B.K., Gurung, D.B., and Lhendup, P. (2016). Species diversity and spatial distribution of snakes in JigmeDorji National Park and adjoining areas, western Bhutan. Journal of Threatened Taxa, 8(12).
Gurung, D. B., Gyeltshen, N., Tobgay, K., Dalström, S., Wangdi, J., Ghalley, B. B., Chaida, L., Phuntsho, P., Gyeltshen, N., Dawa, K., Wangchuk, T., Pradhan, R., Hoijer, T. A. I., &Gyeltshen, C. (2016). Distribution and habitats of PaphiopedilumPfitzer (Orchidaceae) known to occur in Bhutan.
Dendup, T. (2016). Alcohol consumption and academic performance among higher secondary students in Thimphu, Bhutan. Bhutan Health Journal, 2(2), 1-5.
Suberi, B., Tiwari, K. R., Gurung, D. B., Bajracharya, R. and Sitaula, B. K. (2016). Forest Resource Management in the Context of Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in Bhutan. BJNRD (2016), 3(2): 1-11.
Dorji, N., Thinley, J., Wangdi, K., Cheda., Rizal, K. N., Tshering, K., Rabgay, K. and Dorji, Y. (2016). Herd Management Practices Related to the Five Freedoms in Integrated Cattle Farming System of Some Villages in Bhutan. BJNRD (2016), 3(2): 21-32 .
Tshering, P. and Chhetri, R. (2016). Leaf Litter Decomposition and Nutrient Release Patterns of Chirpine, Cupressus Plantation, and Oak Dominated Forest BJNRD (2016), 3(2): 12-20.
Tshering, D. and Penjor. (2016). BJNRD Herbage Yield and Nutritive Value of Different Napier (PennisetumpurpureumSchumach) Grass Varieties. BJNRD (2016), 1(1): 19-24.
Wangchuk, C. and Chhetri, R. (2016). Effects of Bio-fertilizers, Chemical Fertilizers, and Farmyard Manure on Growth and Yield of Okra (Abelmoschusesculentus L.). BJNRD (2016), 3(1): 12-18.
Wangchuk and Gurung, D. B. (2016). Effect of Different Grazing Regimes on the Growth of Quercussemecarpifolia Sm. Regeneration in Western Bhutan Himalaya (Thimphu). BJNRD (2016), 3(1): 32-38
Ugyen, P., Penjor, and Dorji, R. (2016). Effect of Serum Calcium, Magnesium, and Phosphorus Levels in Cyclic and Postpartum Anestrus Jersey Cross Cows. BJNRD (2016), 3(1): 1-5.
Katel, O. (2016). Addressing Climate Concerns in Bhutan Himalaya. Governance Today (2)9; 52-53.
Dorji N, Jamtsho T, Rabgay K. and Wangchuk S. (2015). Evaluate growth performance, age of sexual maturity and egg weight of Bhutanese indigenous chicken under deep litter management. Khon Kean Agricultural Journal 43 (suppl 2): 142-145.
Dorji N. and Dorji P. (2015). A country report: Indigenous chicken farming in Bhutan. Khon Kean Agricultural Journal 43 (suppl 2): 31-33.
Hoy,A., Katel, O., Thapa, P., Dendup, N. and Matschullat, J. (2015). Climatic changes and their impact on socio-economic sectors in the Bhutan Himalayas: an implementation strategy. Regional Environmental Change 16 (5), 1401-1415.
Dorji, P., Vongprolub, T., Pattarajinda, V., Chankitisakul, V. and Chuawongboon, P. (2015). Effect of Sericin Supplement in Tris-egg Yolk Citrate Extender on Quality of Cryopreserved Semen from Thai Native Bulls. BJNRD (2015), 2(1): 11-18 Doi:
Dorji, P., Tshering, L. and Dorjee. (2015). Efficacy of CIDR-based Protocols for Treatment of Prolonged Postpartum Anoestrus in Jersey Crossbred Cattle on Smallholder Farms. BJNRD, 2(1): 28-32. Doi:
Dorji, T. (2015). New distribution records of EpiophlebialaidlawiTillyard, 1921 (Insecta: Odonata) in Bhutan. Journal of Threatened Taxa, 7, 7668–7675.
Katel,O., Pradhan,S., Schmidt-Vogt, D. (2014). A survey of livestock losses caused by Asiatic wild dogs, leopards and tigers, and of the impact of predation on the livelihood of farmers in Bhutan. Wildlife Research 41 (4), 300-310.
Katel, O., Schmidt-Vogt, D. and Dendup, N. (2014). Trans-boundary water resources management in the context of global environmental change: The case of Bhutan Himalaya. Springer Publications India. (
Nidup, T., Dorji, T. and Tshering, U. (2014). Taxon diversity of butterflies in different habitat types in Royal Manas National Park. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 2(6), 292-298.
Gurung, P. B. and Dorji, T. (2014). Macro-invertebrate diversity and relationship with environmental variables in the headwater streams of Toebirongchhu sub-watershed, Bhutan. NeBIO: An international journal of environment and biodiversity, 5 (3), 4-10.
Dorji, T. (2014). New records of dragonflies (Odonata) from Toebirongchhu sub-watershed in Punakha District, Western Bhutan. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 2 (4): 51-57.
Dorji, T., Thinley, K. and Jamtsho, S. (2014). Macro-invertebrate diversity in Threlpang and Kawajangsa freshwater streams in Bhutan. NeBIO: An international journal of environment and biodiversity, 5 (1), 1-5.
Kaka, Gurung, D.B., Khandu, Y., Katel, O., Chhetri, P.B. and Wangda, P. (2014). Population Structure of Cupressustortulosa Griffith along the Altitudinal Gradients of Tsendenanag Ridge in Punakha, Bhutan. Bhutan Journal of Natural Resources and Development, pp-24-31.
Thoni, R. and Gurung, D.B. (2014). Parachiloglanisbhutanensis, a new species of torrent catfish (Siluriformes: Sisuridae) from Bhutan. Zootaxa, 3869 (3): 306-312.
Gyeltsehen T. and Dorji N. (2014). Evaluation of milk yield and composition in nomadic yak (Bosgrunniens) and yak crosses. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 84(12):1332–1333.
Dorji N. and Phurba K. (2014). Evaluation of egg quality parameters in Bhutanese indigenous chickens vis-a-vis exotic chicken. Indian J. Anim. Sci. 84 (8): 884–890.
Dorji N. (2014). Assessment of storage and temperature on egg physical qualities for peak production in Hyline chicken. Iranian J. Applied Anim. Sci. 4(1):173-178.
Tashi T. and Dorji N. (2014). Variation in qualitative traits in Bhutanese indigenous chickens. Animal Genetic Resources/Ressourcesgénétiquesanimales/Recursosgenéticosanimales 54: 73-77. http://doi:10.1017/S2078633614000071.
Dalstrom, S. &Gurung, D.B. (2013). Orchids of Bhutan III: The Genus Epigenium in Bhutan. Orchids, AOS, pp.735-739.
Gurung, D.B., Dorji, S., Wangyal, J.T. and Tshering, U. (2013). An Annotated Checklist of Fishes of Bhutan. Journal of Threatened Taxa, 5 (12), pp.4880-4886.
Gyeltshen, T., Udo, H.J.M., Steenstra, F. and Viets, T.C. (2013). Computer Simulation- A Useful Tool for Decision Making in Village Poultry Rearing Options. Journal of Renewable Natural Resources of Bhutan. 9 (1): 158-169.
Gyeltshen, T., Udo, H.J.M., Steenstra, F. and Viets, T.C. (2013). Characteristics of village chicken production: why indigenous chickens? Journal of Renewable Natural Resources of Bhutan. 8 (1): 127-138.
Dorji N. (2013). Comparative study on the physical egg quality of Bhutanese indigenous strains reared under different production systems. Bang. J. Anim. Sci. 42 (2): 175-178.
Tshering G. and Dorji N. (2013). Prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in free-range cattle; a case study in Haa district. Anim. Healt. Prod. 1(4): 36-37.
Katel, O., and Schmidt-Vogt, D., (2012). Use of Forest Resources by Residents of JigmeSingyeWangchuck National Park, Bhutan. Mountain Research and Development 31 (4), 325-333.
Wangyal, J.T. and andGurung D.B. (2012). The Distribution of Himalayan Newts, Tylototritonverrucosus in Punakha-Wangdue Valley, Bhutan. Journal of Threatened Taxa, 4(13), pp.3218-3222.
Wangyal, J.T. and Gurung, D.B. (2012). Amphibians of Punakha-Wangdue Valley, Bhutan. Frog leg, ANSA, 18.
Dorji, N. and Gyeltshen, T. (2012). Characterization of family poultry production in Haa and Mongar districts of Bhutan. Livestock Research for Rural Development.12 (9). Available at
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Gurung, T., Techawongstien, S., Suriharn, B. and Techawongstien, S. (2012). Stability analysis of yield and capsaicinoids content in chili (Capsicum spp.) grown across six environments. Euphytica 187 (1), 11-18.
Sonam, T. and Martwanna, N. (2012). Performance of smallholder dairy farmers’ groups in the East and West central regions of Bhutan: members’ perspective. Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development 4 (1), 23-29.
Chhetri, R., Toomsan, B., Kaewpradit, W. and Limpimmtana, V. (2012). Mass loss, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium release patterns and non-additive interactions in a decomposition study of chir pine (Pinusroxburghii) and Oak (Quercusgriffithii). Int J Agric Res 7, 332-344.
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Sonam, T. and Martwanna, N. (2011). Smallholder dairy farmers’ group development in Bhutan: strengthening rural communities through group mobilization. JPAIR Multidisciplinary Journal 8 (1), 1-1.
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Acharya, K., Katel, O., Sherpa, A. R., Pokhrel, B., (2001). Biological control of blister blight of tea by Pseudomonas fluorescence, Journal of Hill Research, Sikkim Science Society, 4(2):110-111
Books & Book Chapters
Tshomo, U., Dorji, C., Dahal, Y. (2020). Integrated Waste Management in Bhutan. In Ghosh S. (eds) Circular Economy: Global Perspective.Springer. pp.67-86
Hoy, A. and Katel, O. (2018). Status of Climate Change and Implications to Ecology and Community Livelihoods in the Bhutan in (Eds) Environmental Change in the Himalayan region, 23-45.
Wangmo, C. and Rai, S. (2017). Impact of environment and climate change on biodiversity. In D.B. Gurung and Katel, O. (Eds.), An introduction to the biodiversity of Bhutan in the context of climate change and economic development.(pp.119-133). Lobesa: The College of Natural Resources, The Centre for rural development studies. ISBN:978-99936-994-0-8.
Dorji, U. and Gurung, D.B. (2017). Aquatic biodiversity of Bhutan. In D.B. Gurung and Om Katel (Eds.) in An Introduction to the Biodiversity of Bhutan in the context of climate change and economic development. CRDS publication, Lobesa Bhutan.
Gurung, D.B. and Katel, O. (2017). Development activities and biodiversity. In D.B. Gurung and Om Katel (Eds.) in An Introduction to the Biodiversity of Bhutan in the context of climate change and economic development. CRDS publication, Lobesa Bhutan.
Dorji, C. and Gurung, D.B. (2017). Terrestrial Biodiversity in the Context of Climate Change. In D.B. Gurung and Om Katel (Eds.) in An Introduction to the Biodiversity of Bhutan in the context of climate change and economic development. CRDS publication, Lobesa Bhutan.
Wangyal, J. T., and Gurung, D.B. (2017). The current status of Herpetofauna in Bhutan. In D.B. Gurung and Om Katel (Eds.) in An Introduction to the Biodiversity of Bhutan in the context of climate change and economic development. CRDS publication, Lobesa Bhutan.
Katel, O. and Schmidt, D. (2015). Bhutan: Forest Resources Management and Conservation in and outside Protected Areas in (eds). Multilevel Forest Governance in Asia. Sage
Gurung, D.B. and Thoni, R.T. (2015). Fishes of Bhutan: A preliminary checklist. CRDS Publication, Bhutan.
Gurung, D.B. (2008). Benefits of Ecotourism to the Local Rural Communities Living Inside the Protected Areas of Bhutan, DISS. ETH No. 17633, Zurich, Switzerland.
Gurung, D.B. (2006). A Field Guide to the Orchids of Bhutan. DSB Publication, Printed in Kolkata (Calcutta), India.