Club & Society

The College clubs as enshrined in their roles and responsibilities will conduct recreational/ entertainment activities (cultural programmes etc.) and community services as drawn in the annual calendar. There are 10 registered clubs under the Happiness and Wellbeing Center.

Registered Club Lists, Fall Semester, 2023-Spring Semester, 2024

Sl. No Name of the Club Club Coordinator (Student) Total Number of Registered Members Club Advisor (Staff)
1 Fitness Society Ms. Priya Subba 36 Mr. Kencho Wangdi
2 Literacy & Publication Society Mr. Karma Tshering Rabten 69 Mr. Tashi Dendup
3 Martial Arts Mr. Sonam Tobgay 29 Mr. Dawa Tshering
4 Y-PEER CNR Mr. Dechen Wangchuk 147 Mr. Tashi Tobgay
5 Choechog Tshogpa Mr. Nima 56 Lopen Chimi Dorji
6 Community Service Society Mr. Jangchuk Dorji 152 Mr. Phuntsho Norbu
7 Nature & Conservation Society Mr. Basudev Gurung 129 Dr. Sonam Tashi
8 Health and Wellbeing Society Ms. Tshendu Wangmo 89 Ms. Mongali Maya Tamang
9 Entrepreneurship Club Ms. Jamyang Pelmo 70 Mr. Sonam Tshering
10 Arts and Craft Club Mr. Sonam Phuntsho 86 Mr. Karma Wangchuk

Club Registration Form


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