Incubates of ABIC

Details of Incubatees CNR Year 1(2022-2023)
SN Name of the Incubatees Business Name Contact No Email Winners/Runners/Participants of Event & Training Start Date
1 Dechen Zangmo/Wangdi Rigsel Service shop 17643647 Business Proposal 09/11/2022
2 Bikash rai CNR Saloon Business Proposal
3 Phurba Wangmo Dream Treats Bakery 17684014 Seed Fund Application 07/06/2022
4 Animal Science Piggery 17397937 Business Proposal 14/09/2022
Details of Incubatees CNR Year 2(2023-2024)
SN Name of the Incubatees Promoters Name Contact No Email Winners/Runners/Participants of Event & Training Start Date
1 Sonam Phuntsho Sweet Shop 17532700 Business Proposal 30-Aug-23
2 Sangay Nidup and Bala Dev Rai Mushroom Farm 17493642 Business Proposal 25-Aug-23