Semester I
- ACS101 (Academic Skills): This module aims to develop the knowledge and understanding of a range of academic skills required for study at university level. The module will focus on the development of academic writing, oral presentation, as well as listening skills to enable students to communicate effectively in both spoken and written forms. The module will enhance their learning throughout their studies at university and beyond, through close reading, discussions, and critiquing of academic texts. Further, it will also enhance students’ capacity to critically reflect on their own learning.
- VSC101(Basic Anatomy & Physiology of Farm Animals): The module will provide fundamental knowledge and understanding on veterinary anatomy and physiology to comprehend other modules like veterinary medicine, surgery, reproduction, livestock production, and nutrition when they progress along the module.
- ANS101(Fundamentals of Animal Genetics & Breeding): This module aims to provide students with an understanding of the principles of animal genetics and practices of animal breeding and breed improvement to enhance animal productivity.
- ANS102 (Fundamentals of Animal Nutrition): The module provides basic knowledge on principles of animal nutrition, nutrient requirementsand formulation of feeds for different categories of farm animals. It will introduce students to basic laboratory technique in conducting nutrient analysis of feedstuff.
- VSC102(Fundamentals of Veterinary Medicine): The module provides basic knowledge and skills required to examine, diagnose, and prescribe veterinary medicine for the treatment of animal patients.
Semester II
- DZG101(Dzongkha)
- ANS103(Fundamentals of Animal Reproduction): This module aims to provide basics of anatomy and physiology of animal reproduction to deal with the reproductive problems in animals and formulate sound reproductive management practices.
- APR101(Dairy Production): The module will equip the student with knowledge and skills in all the aspects of dairy production including government policies and strategies, breeds of dairy cattle, breeding, care, and management. The students will in turn be able to advise farmers on dairy production.
- EXT101(Communication & Extension): The module will provide the student with an understanding of the importance of communication and extension in rural development. In addition, it will enable the student to develop effective communication skills and acquaint with various extension tools for the dissemination of innovations.
- VSC103(Veterinary Microbiology & Parasitology): The module aims to provide students with basic knowledge on microbes and parasites causing animal diseases. It provides general morphological characteristics of the host parasite interaction and their life cycle. It also highlights clinical importance of common microbes and parasites in different species of domestic animals and their diagnoses.
Semester I
- ANS204(Feed & Fodder Development): This module aims to develop fundamental knowledge and skills that are essential to fodder and pasture development. The students will gain in-depth knowledge on winter fodder, fodder crops, tree fodder, crop by-products, and managing rangeland that are source of feeding the livestock. The module will also equip the students with forage utilization, post-harvest technology, feed budgeting, and feeding regime.
- APR202(Poultry Production): This module aims to provide skills and knowledge of poultry production such as management of hatchery, layer and broiler farms.
- ANS205(Reproductive Management of Farm Animals): This module will provide the students with a basic understanding of fertility and reproductive performance of farm animals to enable them to recognize and remedy reproductive problems. It will also equip the students with the skills to carry out Artificial Insemination in farm animals and pregnancy diagnosis, maintaining the artificial insemination (AI) records and equipment. Further it will also introduce the students to the emerging reproductive technologies and their potentials for improving livestock productivity.
- VSC204(Preventive Veterinary Medicine): The module aims to acquaint the students with the common infectious livestock diseases prevalent in the country and their causes, mode of transmission, pathogenesis, clinical findings, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, line of treatment and various preventive and control measures.
- VSC205(Veterinary Surgery): The module introduces the principles of surgery, use and handling of surgical instruments, sterilization, suture materials, and suture patterns used in veterinary surgery. Further, students will be taught to treat wounds and perform selective surgeries that are commonly encountered in the field.
- ATT201(Field Attachement): Students will gain practical experience in the field of their future professional career as RNR extension agent or forester in Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Forestry sector through “on the job training”. Students will initiate and develop innovative ideas based on the socioeconomic and bio-physical conditions of a village as a change agent.
Semester II
- APR203(Pig Production): The module aims to provide the students with knowledge and skills in pig management in backyard farms and small to medium commercial farms. The students will be able to apply scientific management practices, improved feeding methods and blended feed stuff, and improved housing practices to facilitate hygienic rearing and meat production. Moreover, students will care and manage sow, boar, piglets, and gilts. In addition, students will be able to provide sound health care services in pig production.
- ANS206(Animal Welfare): This module aims to provide students the knowledge of animal welfare to maintain health and productivity and to avoid unnecessary sufferings to animals under any kind of environment. It also provides the students the understanding of the physiological mechanisms that animals use to cope with both “typical” and more extreme environmental challenges.
- APR204(Apiculture): This module provides the basics of beekeeping which will help students in understanding the concept of pollination, bee’s role in providing food to the world, hygienic honey harvesting, and economics of beekeeping.
- APR205(Fish Production): The module aims to equip the student with skills to propagate and culture important warm water and cold-water fishes.
- VSC206(Clinical Veterinary Medicine): The module aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills to carry out clinical examination, diagnosis and treatment of common clinical diseases in animals.
Semester I
- APR306(Dairy Technology): The module provides fundamental principles underlying the processing of dairy products, examining their quality and preservation techniques.
- APR307(Minor Animal Production): The module provides basics knowledge and skills on yak, goat, sheep, and equine farming and their benefits to the farming communities.
- EDP101(Entrepreneurship): The module will enable students to kindle the spirit of enterprise in themselves, evaluate and develop their skills, and motivate them to consider entrepreneurship as a career option. The module intends to enable students to assess the Bhutanese labour market, economy, and equip them with ability to identify business ideas, spot business opportunities, develop business model and business plan/proposal.
- GSE101(Analytical Skills): The module aims at developing critical and analytical thinking skills of students to enhance their creativity and ability to think laterally that will aid problem solving and decision making abilities. With these essential analytical thinking and problem solving skills students gain an edge in a competitive world.
- VSC307(One Health): The module provides knowledge on fundamentals of one health in safeguarding public health. It will also provide adequate knowledge on meat hygiene and inspection, quality control and food safety.
Semester II
- BIC301(Biochemistry): The module aims to provide a broad knowledge of biochemistry to support the students’ understanding of other modules such as food science and postharvest technology. The module deals with structure, function and properties of biomolecules, classification of enzymes, their mechanism of action and industrial applications, basic thermodynamics, and the principles of biophysics. It also covers metabolic pathways and molecular basis of heredity. Relevant laboratory activities will be conducted to support students’ understanding of concepts that have been introduced in the module.
- RST301(Research Methods): This module equips students with necessary knowledge and skills of research methods needed in carrying out case studies, experiments and social surveys and write technical reports. It includes the concepts of research, data collection procedures, case studies and survey methods, research designs, experimental research designs, and scientific writing.
- ANS307(Applied Animal Nutrition): The module aims to provide students with practical application of scientific knowledge on animal nutrition and feeding different categories of livestock based on the knowledge gained from ANU102 The students will be trained on advanced level of feeding experiments and digestion trials to acquaint students on how feeds are being assimilated and utilized by farm animals. Students will also gain knowledge on feed manufacturing technology.
- RST302(Statistics): This module aims at providing basic knowledge and skills in compiling and coding of data, analyses of data, interpreting results of analyses and presentation of results in the form of tables, figures short writings. The students will be introduced with the knowledge and skills of using R and SPSS software besides the use of Excel spreadsheet.
- VSC308(Wildlife Health & Management): The module aims to provide students with basic knowledge on wildlife, principles of wildlife health and management, and preventive medical approaches to maintain healthy wildlife populations.
Semester I
- VSC409(Veterinary Pharmacology): This module aims to provide students with the foundation of veterinary pharmacology including pharmacokinetics, biotransformation, pharmacodynamics and general pharmacological principles. Applying these principles, the module will discuss the most common veterinary drugs that affect each body system which would enable the students to develop a good understanding of the selection and use of these drugs in clinical veterinary practice.
- MGT302(Project Planning & Management): The broad objective of the module is to build the capacity (knowledge and skills) of the students by providing inputs on project planning and management. Therefore, the module will examine project management roles and environments, the project life cycle and various techniques of planning, monitoring and evaluation to achieve project objectives. Through group works and assignments students will get an opportunity to relate theoretical and practical perspectives to project planning and management.
- APR408(Meat Science and Technology): The module provides knowledge and skills on meat processing, preservation, quality assurance, and the role of meat in human nutrition.
- ANS409(Biotechnology in Animal Production): This module provides basic knowledge and skills on molecular genetic technologies in livestock production and animal health. Further, it will familiarise students on the use of molecular technologies and issues of biotechnology.
- ANS410(Sustainability & Livestock Farming): The module aims to develop students’ skills and knowledge on sustainability assessment of livestock production systems in order to assess which innovation or improvement option contributes to the most sustainable development.
Semester II
- RES402(Research Project): This module is designed to provide students with the understanding and first-hand experience of carrying out a research project by applying concepts/theories and practice by integrating multiple sources of information and testing their analytical skills. It will allow the students to specialize to some extent in a given field of study.